Wow, you guys are quick! Sussed out on my second post!
Budlite, it would indeed.
JohnCh, indeed tis I! Thanks for the welcome, and hope to meet you again someday. USA 2005, despite subsequent amazing adventures, was the best thing I ever did in the post rebuild beast, and I am sorely tempted to do it all over gain, solo if necessary. The pics below say it all, it doesn't get better than this!
Croc, how ya doin? open the eskie and throw another beast on the barbie!
The vagaries of life have directed me down under 3 times and I must say I love the place, refreshingly direct compared to the old country.
At this point I must reveal to the majority of like minded (7's) folk on here that I am a Brit expat, having left 20 years ago to seek my fortune, and now finding myself unable to return on a permanent basis to my point of origin due to cultural collapse. There is so much BS there now, that while I revel in the family, friends, sights and smells of home, i am repulsed by the PC BULL, and nonsense that I encounter on every visit. OK rant over.
Tom, your handle means that you must be the Tom that I rode with for a while on USA 2005! trust that all is well with you. The redwood forest was amazing!
Lets keep the folks guessing for a litttle while longer, see pics below.