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    Austin, TX
  1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=507745165918495&set=a.244776828881998.84656.219399881419693&type=1&theater
  2. Here is our podcast on the event we just finished recording tonight. We talk about the Caterham for the event. http://speedcitypodcast.com/?p=1015 And listen on http://www.espnaustin.com Saturday morning at 10am Central time where Alexander will be live with us in Studio.
  3. Thanks to this forum we found a car for the event!
  4. Thanks, I just PM'ed him
  5. We are helping with an event this weekend where Caterham F1 driver Alexander Rossi is in town for the Shift into Style event being put on by Austin Style Week and the Circuit of the Americas. We need a Caterham for Alexander to arrive in at the event Friday night and a trip to the ESPN studios Saturday morning.


    The car owner would have the opportunity to meet Alexander and have a photo taken with him. The folks at Austin Style have offered a pair of tickets to the event for the car donor as well.


    Here is more info on the event:



    Here is more info on Alexander Rossi:



  6. Thanks much but it needs to be a Caterham.
  7. Looking for a Caterham for a photo shoot and short drive by a special guest. Serious event, not looking for a joy ride. PM me for details. Thanks
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