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  1. Thanks for pointing out Roger Kraus Racing. I got in touch with Roger yesterday. The CR322 wasn't very familiar to him but Roger would have tried to get them for me (10-12 weeks lead time). On the other hand he had a set of Avon CR6ZZ 185/70R13 in stock which I bought. Should get the tires in a week or so. Quite expensive ones, indeed. USD 239 each. But Roger talked highly about them. Let's see on how they work out for me respectively the car. BTW: Roger was very helpful and professional. Arwed
  2. Hello, I am new to the forum. Also because I just became a proud owner of a 1965 Lotus 7 Series 2 based Lotus/Caterham (SB2180). I live and summer-drive (no tracks) in MA (Boston area): getting my arms around this lovely car of which I have been dreaming for decades. The car came with some OK Kumho tires (175/70R13) on 'Panasport' R13 5.5" rims. Need a tire set replacement. After some 'tire' googling/reading I think I want to go easy (and somehow original) on road tires and mount a set of Avon CR322 185/70R13 (a Caterham choice). They are not sold in the US. Correct? Or? I could order from Europe (get regular shipments from there). Any recommendation from whom to source it over there? Thanks!
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