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Everything posted by thewelder

  1. I am in East Tennessee and my car is close to being road legal
  2. I have a seven clone built to the 442 spec. Tennessee doesn’t require a windshield and I want to run a aeroscreen. Can anyone tell me which one will fit a plus 4 chassis. Thanks
  3. These still around. And if so how much would shipping be to 37660
  4. Can you get me a shipping quote to 37660. Thanks.
  5. I am interested and am close enough to come get them. How does $150 sound.
  6. I don't check here much. But you can email me what you would like for them. Thanks Chad(dot)summey(at)yahoo(dot)com
  7. Would you be willing to ship them. Thanks.
  8. Where are you located. Thanks.
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