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    Scuba resort owner and manager
  1. Sold.
  2. I am leaving today for NJ and won't have much internet access. I guess not enough interest in this so I assume it is a no go.
  3. Only 2, maybe 3 of us? We need some more.
  4. Yes. Lets see if we can get a nice group again.
  5. New Hope would be nice. Lets see how many as we get closer.
  6. BruceBowker


    Anyone interested in a Seven group drive June 10? We could meet somewhere in in Hunterdon County, NJ or Bucks PA. Would be fun to get 6 cars or more. Bruce
  7. Set of 4 Go Jak with stand. Very clean. I have sold one car and no longer need these. I must say that they have been very handy. Now $499 or best offer. Located in NJ
  8. Sold
  9. Mike - thanks. I know it is simple for some but I just can't figure out how to post pictures here. I did it once but forgot what I did. I have emailed one person pictures I have. Bruce
  10. First I apologize for not answering any messages for quite some time. I have been off the grid so to speak. My Caterham Seven is for sale again. All NJ registration numbers etc have been worked out and car is fully correct now. Registered in NJ as a 1972 Lotus Super Seven. Build year was 2000. Car has a Ford Crossflow with twin Webers. 5 Speed. DeDion rear. Black with aluminum body. Weather gear.. About 5000 miles. Please email me at car@caribinn.com for details and any questions. $28000. Also selling 1967 Mini Cooper S. Not a replica. A real Cooper S. Thanks Bruce
  11. Yes still available. I think we have been emailing though correct?
  12. Not major but the way the factory has it, the cable can double back a bit on itself in the box above the foot pedals. A restrictor was put in to prevent this which would ultimately break the cable.
  13. Just sent you an email. I hope it goes through OK. Bruce
  14. Car/engine was built by a California dealer . Sorry but I really don't know what spec it is, just a regular Seven.
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