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  • Biography
    I was born shortly after the introduction of the first wheels which were near round, and they immediately caught my fancy.
  • Location
    Upstate SC
  • Se7en
    2022 Caterham S3 360S (home built)

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  1. Latest update of today: https://www.euroautofestival.com/?mc_cid=a019f69631&mc_eid=371dbb1f9b
  2. That's exactly why I ordered mine with this colo(u)r. But I had to have the bare aluminum body to "add lightness"... 🤪
  3. Ahh, now I see it. Wasn't looking closely at the bottom. Not being familiar with it I was expecting a bracket in the middle of the rear panel (obviously obscured by the wheel) with a couple/three studs, like in Jeeps etc. Funny what a can of worms @IamScotticus opened with his nonsensical line... I was pondering a spare wheel carrier when speccing my kit but Josh Robbins talked me out of it. Looks cool though, and serves a purpose.
  4. I am unable to spot the colour of the spare wheel carrier, however I must cheer your exquisite taste in choosing Firecracker Yellow wings!
  5. No, I am!! I insist!! 👹
  6. Thank you, I know. Just being a smart aleck, sorry.
  7. What is a tyre carrier?? I don't know if I have one.
  8. Scott, I think you meant colours.
  9. Back last September I put together a photo book with few annotations to have on the coffee table and for occasions like the Euro Auto Festival (which BTW got postponed and now rescheduled). I used Mixbook.com and highly recommend them. As I was mindlessly leafing through it the other day I discovered a serious error: The reported final camber angles were missing the minus signs! Had the car been aligned to those values (1.5 and 1.6 deg) it would have resembled a flattened MG TA with loose wheel bearings. I wasn't going to have the book reprinted so I just added the minus signs with a fine black pen/marker and a ruler. Came out OK... But... what about my other documentation? To my horror, the error was propagated consistently in my build journal, my (manual) alignment data sheet, and in this thread! It's all fixed now (phew...), including in my edited post from Sep 7 2023. Quite surprised that no hawk-eyed member, not even @mrmustang or @IamScotticus, caught this. Or maybe you did but decided to be nice for a change and let it go... Cheers!
  10. New Dates and Location: April 11-12 Hotel Hartness, 120 Halston Ave, Greenville, SC 29615. https://www.euroautofestival.com/ It's a bummer - we will not be able to participate due to planned travel. Hopefully a few 7's will be present. Cheers.
  11. J, we cannot wait that long. I don't know nothing about PPF, but I second Bill: how about hold off with PPF and let's regroup as soon as y'all find a couple hours. I will disrupt my hectic retirement schedule if needed...
  12. Bill, maybe try Josh Robbins at Rocky Mountain Caterham -- josh.robbins@rockymountaincaterham.com. You may know him already. He is ultra knowledgeable and helpful.
  13. Congrats, Bill!! Excited to regroup somewhere around GVL as soon as time and weather allow! Great to see the New Year seems to have started Happy for you!
  14. Don't know almost nothing regarding batteries... googling (or duckduckgoing in my case) like most of us... From the little I read, AGM batteries cannot tolerate high charging voltage levels at the level of regular ("flooded") batteries and risk popping their safety valve and losing capacity. To my understanding this is because the internal resistance of AGM batteries is lower and therefore the charging current at a given voltage would be higher, which may create overheating and popping of the safety valve. Also to my (limited!) understanding, trickle/maintenance charging is not the main risk. Deep charging under high current of a deeply discharged battery is mainly where one needs to be careful and use an AGM charger or an AGM setting. Since I switched to an AGM battery and needed to do both (deep and trickle charging) I decided to invest in a charger with "regular" and AGM settings. These are very common and affordable nowadays. But I plead the Fifth...
  15. Yes, my trickle charger has an AGM setting which I'm careful to select. Wanted to see how long the little PC680 will last without it... not very long I'm afraid. At least now it's quick to jump it with standard cables as any other regular car.
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