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  1. My question isn't what motor I have or whether it should have coil over plugs. I know it's a 2.0 Duratec and that my ECU doesn't support coil over plugs. All I need is which car model and year has the compatible length ignition wires.
  2. I have a 2 liter Duratec motor with a single ignition coil mounted immediately behind the head. To order plug wires I need a particular car make and year to get the correct length of the wires. Thanks
  3. Thanks for your reply and pictures The area that I am having a problem with is the heater circuit at the thermostat. Can you tell me which hose goes on which connection at the thermostat or does it even make a difference? Thanks
  4. I am assembling a left hand drive Birkin with a Duratec motor. I could use some pictures and/or instructions in plumbing the heater circuit.
  5. I am finishing up with a rebuild of a 2.0 Duratec motor. It's going into a new Birkin. I understand that I need to purchase some intake pieces and a shorten oil sump from England. I have contacted to English companies that offer these parts but haven't receive responses in a timely manor or no response at all. I still don't know exactly what I must buy in reference to the new throttle body, ECU etc. I would appreciate if someone has a comprehensive lists of parts that are needed to convert the Duratec to fit into a Birkin and which parts are only available from England and which can be sourced in the US. Thanks
  6. I am looking for good documentation on how to disassemble and re-assembly a 2 liter Duratec. I purchased a motor that was supposed to be low mileage. It possible is but it doesn't look like the oil was changed very often so I want to completely tear it down. I am not sure which of the aftermarket manuals has the best documentation. If anyone has some experience with these manuals I would appreciate the information. Thanks
  7. My agent checked with my homeowners policy and because its car parts its not covered. My car insurance won't cove it because it's car parts. Once it's built I can get it insuranced. Thanks for the input.
  8. I have placed an order for a Birkin kit and tentatively planning on picking it up with my enclosed trailer. Because it is a kit, my insurance company as well as a number of other insurance companies my insurance broker has tried will not insure the kit while it's apart. My concern is the two or three nites while traveling and while on the road with an uninsured kit car. Has anyone been able to find a solution to this issue? Thanks
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