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At the end of April we put in the exhaust header, collector & catalyst. Then 2 weeks of work kept me away. Resumed this weekend with the springs on the exhaust (they suck even with the zip tie hack) and lambda sensor. Today we put in the handbrake and cable. Next up, prop shaft, diff, and whole rear end... In the meantime, still awaiting brackets for my radiator, positive & negative cables for the battery, as well as the proper steering wheel and LED headlamps (they send a quick disconnect shaft with a standard wheel, and regular headlamps when we ordered LED).
Seriously this new manual sucks. Not only doesn’t it show assembly of the air box or oil overflow tank, it doesn’t show how to install a LHD throttle cable. All the other blogs are RHD. And where the manual says to do it is WAY too late for a LHD. I had to undo the plenum, some plumbing, and air intake to remove the top of the pedal box. Wish I had been warned to do that earlier.
Solved! Manual was indicating the wrong hole. Got it all sorted and all plumbing laid out this weekend!
Looks that way -but no nut as part of the plate.
Heater is now fixed, engine bolted in and accessories reattached. Started putting in the dry sump tank, radiator & expansion tank and ran into trouble. First, I do not have the 2 brackets to attach the radiator to the frame. From various blogs, it seems to be a recent change - the manual reflects the old method. I've reached out to Caterham to get the brackets shipped asap. Anyone know the torque specs on the dry sump tank? Also, the expansion tank has me baffled. I got the bracket riveted to the frame. And the tank mounted to the bracket. But cannot figure out how to attach the tank bracket (gold) to the bracket (black). The manual shows a bolt with no nut. I can get the bolt to go all the way through the gold bracket and into the black one, but it's not secure. Do I just use a nut? Which one? Thanks!
Anyone have these on their seven? Caterham is out of stock on half doors and am contemplating the Westermann ones. They are one of the few aftermarket companies who make a SV version. Curious if their quality & fitment is acceptable. Thx
Oh - so keep valve per the instructions and loop the cable. Gotcha! Thanks!
Engine dropped in this morning. Went much easier than I expected. I had followed instructions from one of the online blogs, but couldn't squeeze it in with cardboard protection. It's a tight fit for sure, but got it all in - just need to torque everything down tonight after work.
Sorry - don't follow. Are you saying that the way I have it is correct? If not, please clarify. Thanks!
I didn't realize DPR mirrors came with their nuts ready to attach. I thought I had to buy their adapters and spa mirror separately! Thanks for helping me figure that out!
And a few other notes: Realized that I received the wrong headlamps and steering wheel. Those have been sent back and are awaiting the correct ones. Also, I'm researching SPA mirrors and preparing to order the parts to get those incorporated as am sourcing a rear license plate bracket from Rocky Mountain Caterham. Ordered headsets from the European owner who is making them, and sourcing a car cover as well. Also sourcing black lug nuts to better match the anthracite wheels. Lots of moving parts between all the downtime (work). Thank goodness for all the blogs and Facebook forums with a wealth of information. I realize how I should have spent months reading while waiting on the crates to arrive. Now we're just playing catchup trying to cram info into our noggins before each day's work!
Just added photos to date to my album and updated the thread. Here are 2 more photos of something that has us stuck and we've moved on for now. Heater cable. Manual is designed for RHD so shows a clip and cable wrapping around the heater. On LHD cable is super long and no way to attach. Leave it like this? It appears to work.
biomax started following Nashville 420S Build
Finally, after nearly 2 years, our order arrived a few weeks back. Not sure how I forgot to start a build thread, but better late than never, no? Anyway, here are a few pictures catching you up on where we've been. Currently ready to drop in the engine.
About to pull the trigger, but have some important questions
biomax replied to biomax's topic in General Sevens Discussion