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  • Location
    Rocky Mountain House, A.B CANADA
  • Interests
    Autocross, Hockey, Soccer
  1. Unfortunately I am busy on Saturday, hope to catch up with you guys at the next get together!!! :seeya:
  2. I only ended bringing the one car. It was just too unpleasant (read cold and wet) Friday to bring the Stalker when we left for Calgary. I am not much into car shows either but this one is pretty cool with all the stuff going on. Besides I got to spend the day with my daughter as she was volunteering with Cardel. So all good, I thought I had seen Steve's car driving away from the show in the afternoon I didn't catch you either Duane! Oh well maybe next time.
  3. Weather permitting I will be bringing the Storker and an 81' 911SC. Just contemplating the stud pattern for the Storker's tires!!
  4. I will be at Quarry Park with 2 cars. I hope it is a nice day!!
  5. RockyMtnStalker


    Hey Bill, I will be at the Westerner as well on Sunday (4-H event). I will be sure to stop by and visit.
  6. I'll make it #4, I will see you all there!
  7. RockyMtnStalker


    Finally got out for the first time this year, just a quick trip out in the countryside. :driving:
  8. I'm in! Hooters is a family restaurant :0)!! 8-10 harmless old men, I'm sure the waitresses will put up with us and the ladies will chuckle at us after we leave the house! All in good fun no matter where we go, ideally we could find an authentic Irish/English pub that could provide us with the proper 7's experience and the proper length kilts. Any ideas? Darren :cheers:
  9. Happy New Year all! I hope all of you made it onto Santa's good list. We'll all have to bring our new gadgets to the next get together. :party:
  10. It was just a quickie today I didn't have much fuel in the tank and I didn't want to go to town and look like too much of geek!! If I could get out of work tommorrow I would go out for another blat. Have fun, watch our for kids with snowballs :0)) !!
  11. Lets get back on topic here boys. Steve did you get out for a blat today. +6 in Rocky today so I took the car out for a ride. :auto: Hopefully the pics come through
  12. I am headed to BC that weekend guys, have fun. Steve, you are missing the +14 degree driving weather coming up this weekend. You really need to get your priorities figured out. LOL, don't get too bad of a sunburn. :cheers:
  13. Great day, made it home just past 9pm. Just under 900kms for the journey, awesome weather, beautiful scenery and spirited driving was enjoyed by all! Great lunch stop Duane. Red Rock Canyon was alot of fun. Video's to follow. I'm in for the Snowball Blat, the first week of Oct or so? Darren
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