Hello everyone, another long time lurker here with some questions.
For me it all started a few years back when I was having a father daughter day in Aspen and there was some informal exotic car show, I was talking to a gentleman from Ft Collins that let my daughter sit in his Ferrari 360 and he said to me "you know if you are into cars you should go up to Snowmass they are having the yearly LOG up there." So we went and it was total role reversal with my daughter. Lets just say she wasent into it and I could have stayed there all day. Since then part of my daily routine is to visit this site and see whats new and I only now I know what an opportunity I missed by not spending more time and takling with people in Snowmass.
So here I am a few years later having endured the economic downturn and feeling comfortable with life in terms of family and finances and I just cant get the Seven idea out of my head.
I am an extremely practical person and save money like I will be out of work next week (i'm a finish carpenter, and my employer own's a 61 elite that he put a LS-1 into, it's a monster, and this Seven idea is partly his fault). So I cant quite get my practical head arround buying one of the most impractical cars out there. When I try to explain it to my wife I just laugh.
My idea of Seven ownership would not just be about driving a car it would be about tinkering, upgrading, meeteing people, making relationships.
So I guess my main question is this, How has Seven ownership ben? Is it everything that you thought it would be?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Give me the push that I need.