I got the drive-shaft today, so Im hoping to make up and install some safety hoops and repair the paneling and also the rear brake line and hand brake assembly in the near future. I also have some backfiring issues on decel which I need to address when I get the car back on the road.
just a heads up to all the Alberta 7 guys and others out there.
Stewart, alias Z3 Stalker has sold his Stalker.
We hope to see you back, in a 7 some time in the future, all the very best to you and the Boss.
Drive shaft is out and Im hoping to get in back early next week. Engine/tranny still in place. Need to build some safety hoops into the tunnel when I get the drive shaft back.
not heard from anyone in a while. Is there possibly a meet/blat/autox event pending maybe? I go to the Dyno on Thursday, so all being well, Im hoping I will be back on the road again.
Hi Dave, stay tuned for an update regarding the next meet. Auto X with the CSCC and the SASC will be starting very soon in Ft Mcleod. PM Z3 Stalker with your contact info and Stewart can add you to the AB7s list.
Hi Duane,
sorry to hear about your current situation. I hope all turns out well for you both.
All the very best to you in the future.
Did the car stay in Alberta?