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Coolant Leakage at the Pump (Zetec ZX1)


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Just in time, that means 3 weeks before our Pacific Northwest Tour my Birkin is decidedly uncooperative.


There is coolant dripping from the right hand side of the water pump. It is very little, but now I have to top up coolant once a while, something I never had to do for the last 2 years.


Could the folks who are familiar with Zetecs (especially ZX1) please have a look at the picture below. It shows the hole where I believe the coolant comes out. The leakage becomes obvious when jacking up the left side of the car: then the coolant collected in this bore hole runs out to make a puddle under the car.


Any idea why it may leak and how I can fix it?


Thanks a lot for any help,




P.S.: I guess I should be thankful it happens now and not en route to Canada.....



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Never mind.....I think I found the answer (here)....the hole is called a "weep-hole" and intended to drain leaking coolant and avoid destroying the bearing when that happens. It is allowed to have some moisture but if it starts to drip it appears to be a sign for a failing pump seal.


Bummer....I know what I am going to do this weekend.



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I was going to suggest drinking a bottle of wine, the plugging the hole with the cork, but I guess that would have been the wrong way to go!


Glad you diagnosed the problem before starting the tour :hurray:


One leak down, two to go.

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