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Rivnut replacement/repair


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I’d appreciate. Picture, thanks Paul, email, PM or here, whatever is easiest for you.


Chris:My birkin fenders are secured into a threaded steel round. there are two offset rivest securing this to the inside of the aluminum skin. If you're interested i can PM you a picture.



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I have the fenders/wings off so it’s time to think about the rivnuts. On the back left one was spinning loose but was accessible so easy to remove, another was spinning but not accessible so I had to cut it off. This leaves me needing to replace at least these two


the holes are two big so I assume I need an alternate approach, especially the inaccessible one, I assume that at a push I can put a bit/washer on the other one.


So, questions...


1. Where’s the easiest place to get replacement bits? I couldn’t see any at Home Depot etc.

2. What is the best approach for tackling the oversized hole issue when I cannot get to the back of the hole?


I’ve read about replacing with plastic, it seems the guidance is theyllnshear ifntheres impact, what are the pros and cons and where would I get plastic ones? I don’t expect to spend much of any time on the track, in that case is it appropriate to considernplastic?




I get my Riv Nut stuff here-


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