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Well I finally got around to addressing. Since I changed rear end gears I tracked down a new 22T speedo driven gear so Zi did not have to dig out the broken quill 9in the old one. I bought some 1/8" square key materials and filled down to the width I measures with calipers on the old quill (0.118").  Found it still didn't because it was catching on edges. After looking at old quill I noticed edges are rounded.   Few more minutes with file and sandpaper and I had a nice fit in both ends.\


While cleaning I picked up my old speedo gear, fastened a set of small vice grips to the single piece of speedo cable wire hanging out. Low and behold the cable popped out. It appears it was only in about 1/8" so now I have a good used speedo gear for a 4.11 rear.


Also found speedo was tight in it's movement so sent it off for rebuilt.


Again thanks all!

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