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The weekend of May 29-31 the Birmingham British Motoring Club is holding thier annual car show. Yes this is the same weekend as LOG but the BBMC has thier own host hotel and activities planned. For the entry fee of $25 ($30 day of) they have planned a informal show on May 29 at their host hotel with possible special guests no promises however. On Saturday the car show is also at Barber Motorsports Park, but in a different show field than LOG and Mercedes. Your $25 gets you into the park, you can walk around any of the shows, the race paddock is open, a NASA race weekend is a backdrop to this (entry includes 2 Saturday and Sunday tickets to the NASA event). On Sunday the BBMC has planned a Breakfast and a country drive. Come on out any sports car is invited from MGs to Lamborginis to Miatas. Check http://www.sportscarsinthepark.org for registration and futher info.

  • 2 weeks later...

I had a great time at Barber with the Sportscars in the park. Met alot of nice people .. although one guy thought

I had mistyped Rotus. :)



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