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Need some transmission/Mechanic recommendations


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Hi All,


Managed to break my gearbox this weekend and could use some recommendations on a new one. I live in an apartment, so I can't do the work myself either. I was thinking that in the long run, it would be cheaper to pay a mechanic to do a clean swap. I'd pay more for a complete transmission, but less in shop time and I would have some spare parts. Unfortunately, I don't know where to look for a good gearbox, and I don't have a mechanic up here in Seattle. Recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

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I second the Taylor Race shop, they have done several rebuilds on race Caterhams that I know of and done excellent work. There are also some strengthened parts that can be used such as shift forks and I believe syncros.

I have one of their rebuilt gearboxes as a spare for the race car.

However,,, they are not cheap!

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Well, turns out it may not be the transmission I broke. Could be the axle, I'll be finding out within a week. Thanks for the recommendations! I may do some other work as long as they are in there.

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