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Na na na na na Night-Blat (bat-man theme)


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Seems like the only time I get to go for a long drive these days is at night due to kids and other family obligations.


I head west from the city on the freeway and then head north to the country and back-track to home along country roads.


Its fun getting lost at night. I always keep my blackberry GPS with me so I can go; "find current location" and get my bearings.


It is both unnerving and exciting to drive with just the light from my headlights showing me whats coming up next, over that next hill or around that next bend. For example, I was on a twisty road, that turned to gravel and then started to head up hill. Then a sign said; "rough road". It basically became almost a goat trail where I was downshifting and skipping and sliding on a single track trail until I popped up and out from the escarpment back onto tarmac. LMAO.


Most people would think I'm weird, but I find time alone in my car at night very therapeutic.




I've finally got my car running right and with a good comfort set up for high speed on cool nights (half doors on, wind deflectors, hood on with back window unzipped and rolled up)


Edited by twobone
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