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Everything posted by BCBirkn

  1. Hello Please could you let me know if I can buy these lights? Cheers Ben
  2. Hello, I will be them if you don't mind sending to Seattle. Please email me at benkthompson@gmail.com. BRGDS, Ben
  3. Thanks I tried to reply your PM but not sure if i did it correctly??
  4. My email is benkthompson@gmail.com
  5. Hi, I would like to buy this please? Tks, Ben
  6. Hi Bruce, just what I need! Please send an email to me at benkthompson@gmail.com. Thanks, Ben
  7. Hey Steve, It's Ben, the blue Birkin owner from North Vancouver, I've lost your contact details and was hoping you could send you contact info to my email at Benkthompson@gmail.com. I've got a couple of questions to ask about Westfield. Cheers, Ben
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