Yes - I think the tracks were magnetic.
Video does no justice to the speed you feel in the car - all that happened is that I put the edge of my tyre on the grass, just as I needed to turn, having hit the brakes first (and was easing off them). Realising I was out of grip, I carried straight on (hitting the bank side on would have been nasty!), but was convinced that I was going to stop, right up to the time I didn't!
I went home on a flatbed - the good thing about aero wishbones is that they sacrifice themselves in a crash like that, so it was just a case of replacing the lower wishbone, the rose joints on the pushrod and the upper balljoint. The dent in the skin where the tyre hit (sorry, 'tire') is still there, as is the tear in the skin where the lower wishbone over-rotated...
The total cost to fix it was £400 - around $600 - so not too bad.