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Everything posted by Oldfart

  1. The Texas Stalker on Craig's list is now on ebay also. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2004-Replica-Kit-Makes-Brunton-Stalker-V6-/232200077816?forcerrptr=true&hash=item36103401f8:g:lEsAAOSwnHZYcSDe&item=232200077816
  2. This ad makes me laugh every time I see it. "This is NOT some amateur piece of junk!" Apparently nobody agrees with him. :smilielol5:
  3. I read on the internet he is the guru of all things seven! :jester: It doesn't even come up when you Google them unless he is a John Deere dealer.
  4. Croc is correct! I had to ask the owner, "I'm trying to figure out why you have scarves tied on the rollbar? I've never seen that before." "Because that was a good place to keep them when we're not wearing them." :rofl:
  5. ebay Caterham, I'm trying to figure out the point of the white rags tied on the rollbar as if they are a special styling add on. Am I missing something?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lotus-Super-Seven-No-Door-Roadster-/231941713122?forcerrptr=true&hash=item3600cdace2:g:ADkAAOSwHJhXM86i&item=231941713122
  6. That thing is even more ridiculous when you read his note at the end of the ad. "in no way is this the real car that was used in the movie in any way. I have never stated that it was-only that it is a replica of the real car used in the movie. " So it is a replica of a 6000 lb goofymobile. :rofl:
  7. I never knew you were such a troublemaker Mike!! :smilielol5:
  8. That Deronda looks like a badass car. Auction ended at $30,399 reserve not met.
  9. :cheers: I agree, that's a cool build for the most part. At least having open stacks is not destroying the engine when built this way!
  10. I emailed the seller of the Superformance S1, as I was curious also what the deal with the stacks was. Q: What are the four stacks protruding through the right side of the hood for. Are they functional or just for looks to fill the original air filter hole? A: The velocity stacks used to be for air intake. Now they are closed off with a blanking plate because the air is now introduced via supercharger. Q: I assume the snake pipe down the lower right side of the car is the air filter/intake for the supercharger and must run outside the car for clearance reasons. A: Yes, it is for the supercharger and for clearance reasons.
  11. :smilielol5:So I'm not the only one that was thinking if I bought it I would tear those off as soon as I got it home!
  12. Birkin in PA for $22500 Looks interesting and worth a closer look. http://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/cars-for-sale/birkin/s3/1800848.html Welcome back Croc. I want to to go look at this Birkin. It worries me a little that when I asked the seller why there were so many rusty parts on the car & if it was kept outside he said, "It was outside for a period of time". I guess as long as the price is right it doesn't really matter. I have to go see if I can fit in it.
  13. Interesting South African on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Replica-Kit-Makes-Convertable-No-Doors-/331746598742?forcerrptr=true&hash=item4d3da35f56:g:IOwAAOSwaA5WikNi&item=331746598742
  14. Thanks for all your finds this year Mike. :cheers: I'm really surprised how crappy the pics for the black & white Stalker are, especially when it looks to be presented by a broker/re-seller.
  15. 175 was an optimistic quote from Honda at the crank. The Blackbird was an 1100. The motor stopping would scare the hell out of me without knowing specifically what happened. I have a feeling it went "boom" & that's why it stopped running. I know a lot of times the bike trannies are not up to the load of pushing a car that weighs 3-4 times more than the bike it was made for.
  16. That's just sad. He forgot to put scissor doors on it.
  17. I was wondering what seven owners thought of that kind of power, if realistic. I would guess it would take constant concentration to very lightly feather the throttle to control spin at any speed in any gear. It seems hard to believe you could ever tip into the throttle very much. It looks really well done.
  18. One of the cars on Hemmings is advertised as a Locust kit. I thought Locusts always came fully built from the factory? At least it appears to be pretty aerodynamic. http://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/cars-for-sale/lotus/7/1778932.html
  19. I think it's really good as it is. Many times things are pointed out that I either didn't know, or missed. I still love you Croc. :jester:
  20. I didn't see the mileage listed anywhere?
  21. I was just thinking the same thing while looking at the pictures! I thought it was a joke thread at first. That is a really strange effect in all those pics.
  22. This popped up on ebay, Lotus Super Seven Sedan!! I think this must be really rare. :willy_nilly: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lotus-Super-Seven-Sedan-/321829919031?forcerrptr=true&hash=item4aee8ed937&item=321829919031
  23. Sorry, I missed his. I just saw the ones you posted.
  24. This popped up on ebay, Miata engine but they don't say who the kit is from. It's partially built "with lots of parts"?? It's kind of a strange ad. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Replica-Kit-Makes-Lotus-7-/311397911973?forcerrptr=true&hash=item4880c30da5&item=311397911973
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