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  1. Thanks so much for all the replies. Your individual opinions are appreciated. I've considered the usual suspects and haven't really ruled anything out as each has an appeal. I will say that the only convertible that holds my interest is a CSR. I've considered a C5 Z06 corvette as they are the best value IMO. I also have a big soft spot for 87-98 911s but I feel their prices are currently inflated. Further, I'm not interested in convertible versions of either car. I'm disappointed that CSR production has stopped for now (at least) as I find them really interesting from suspension, drive train and appearance perspectives. The car would be used for local 'entertainment' nearly exclusively. Thanks again!
  2. Caterham newbie here. I've been interested for sometime, am 52 and need to stop wishing and start living. Long story short, I have a 10 year old daughter who has a condition that leaves her physically unable to do a lot of things and a lifespan that could be as short as 20 years. While I love cars, I love her more. Recently she made the remark that "we should get a sports car." She's right and it should be the one that gives her the FULL experience. So, here I am beginning a search. While I understand that every Caterham is capable of providing the experience, I'm of the philosophy of investing in things that do not leave one wishing they had been more committed and so will be looking for a CSR. Seeing that they are few and far between will make it a challenge but I'm not interested in regrets either. Thanks!
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