john hennessy
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has anyone considered using an eaton m62. on the rotrex, what engine management changes were made from the stock pcm?
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john hennessy replied to john hennessy's topic in Politics, Religion and Controversy
Powder brake, i have been looking for an employer who still understands that your staff are your best asset since comming to America some 20 years ago. it would appear that i have now found that employer, alas you are on the wrong side of the country. when employers loose site of the best asset they have, then the work force becomes appathetic. -
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john hennessy replied to john hennessy's topic in Politics, Religion and Controversy
one sentence, difficult but i'll try. if the poor were gone and the middle class were gone, then the least rich of the rich would be the poor and become the target of the super rich. -
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john hennessy replied to john hennessy's topic in Politics, Religion and Controversy
o.k. i've been found out, when i joined this forum, i was surprised to actually see a topic clasification for politics and religion, well what can i say, i had to dip my toe in that water, if only to see wether i would be censored. i was very careful not to go the religion way and also not bash any one particular politition or party, so i chose economics. while the veiws held in the posting may be mine, i was please that there were good and sensable responses with no personal attacks, so can only conclude that true to the forum, you can have a political argument in civil manner. just one last thing to say, . i hope that persons reading my posts will check things out for themselves, and if you are told something by someone more than three times without the addition of raw data to back it up, then treat it with suspision. idon't think there is a solution,we are far beyond that, even an armed rising would not work, if successfull, who would run the country then, a bunch of fanatics with guns drawn. how many people still think that the Iraquis were resposable for 911? it wouldn't bother me if the presedent was from the planet mars if he, she or it was a good presedent. -
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john hennessy replied to john hennessy's topic in Politics, Religion and Controversy
Mansshoon 11, the moment we loose the ability to be civil we loose any hope of winning, that then would descend into anarchy. an overall thought appears to be running through your arguments, that there is plenty of employment and people can, at will change jobs if they don't like who they work for. when most people leaving colledge have a student loan of many thousands, people of lesser education seem to only have work oppotunities in service industries with poor wages and the unemployment rate is as high as it is, much higher than the government posts in some regions, people tend to take what they can get and adopt a dog eat dog mentality just to keep the wolf from the door. for many, the great recession is still as bad as ever. as far as dollars in the economy, do you know where money comes from? we have a situation where banks create money on a daily basis, it would seem without any consern for how much is in circulation. any main street bank that writes a morgage is creating money, they are permitted to loan many times the amount that they have on deposit, thus creating money. this is only off set by funds going out of the economy by being placed on deposit somewhere, any where. when a business is making a loss, there bank recommends that it is layoff time for its employees. a multi national company, we will call it a holdings company in that it holds stock in other companies it has created, one company is a genuine U.S. company, this handles the retail side of the operations, another company is a mexican company, this handles the manufacturing, since the NAFTA agreement, the plant in Mexico charges the U.S. company for the goods it produces, this would be o.k. if this charge reflected the actual cost of manufacture, alas this cost is grossly over inflated, almost to a point where the retail price is non profitable but due to the lax taxation in mexico for mexican companies almost no tax is applied to the exported goods, just like if you live in one U.S. state and buy goods from another, the U.S company is operating at a break even state and thus pay little in tax, so the mexican company pays no tax and the U.S. company pays no tax but the holding company makes all the profits from both and is free of the tax burden. if you see a company that states it is a wholly owned subsidiary of another company, this is what is going on. just a note about where the 80% goes in the car industry, have you ever heard of GMAC, before the crash of the auto industry giant, this was a subsidiary of G.M. which financed car dealerships nation wide because they were all in debt up to their eyes and as the market went belly up so did they and because of the nature of banks and generating money, at first GMAC was the hot stock to buy because it was extending their risk and inventing money in the process but just like the housing bubble which was also a money generating sceme which GMAC had also expanded into ( anti truss) had no actual capital to weather the crash in the auto business or the housing market. part of the dealership agreement with G.M. was that they finance the vehicles sold with GMAC but they were already finance through the dealer requirement agreement, every time the dealership sold a car one agreement superseeded the other from wholesale to retail, thus inventing money. i do hope you are not someone who believes that the dollar is supported by a pile of gold in Fort Knox. on average a corporation in the U.S. has about 30 - 40 % capital compared to its borrowing, most banks have less than 10% capital and the rest is borrowed from the federal reserve bank at almost 0% interest, the federal reserve is a non government organisation owned and operated by a multitude of international banks given the task of manufacturing money, a task they are very good at. the housing crash was partly allowed to happen due to the bundled investments being covered under a credit default swap which, like an insurance policy garrenteed the value of the bundle. alas,if they had called it an insurance they would have had to proove that they had sufficient capital to cover the risk but by calling it something else they did not and when the shortfall was discovered the house of cards came tumbling down, together with the value of the home that i just spent my life saving building with my own hands if you build a house and buy all the parts to build it, you pay sales tax on these materials, if you keep them in a pile on your lot, that is all you pay, however if you rearrange these items into a house then up goes your property tax. if you buy a house no one pays tax on anything, because they are tax exempt. -
this particular topic
john hennessy replied to john hennessy's topic in Politics, Religion and Controversy
Manshoon11, i will address the points in the same order. 1. i have worked for businesses that are not greedy and do not look on profits as the #1 over workers, i do not know of any that are still in business, having been beaten out of the market by cut throat practices. 2. they will always choose a place where there is no taxation, and the whole point is home is not the U.S. its a tax shelter. 3. employeres are required to deduct tax and social security from a full time employee who has not claimed 1099 self employment option. 4. a self employed person can claim for cost of doing business but an emlployed person cannot claim for necesary expenses to keep their job. to use the mechanics example, a self employed mechanic travels 50 miles to work under a sevice contract to fix vehicles, he can claim for his time and any milage expenses incured, a mechanic employed by a company cannot claim for the cost of going to work even if its the same 50 miles. 5. the size of the government is not the problem, the honesty of the elected officials is but when the foxes are in charge of the hen house, they will eventually eat all the chickens, unfortunatly the electorate don't seem to notice that the eggs are getting less and less. 6. and they do. 7. again, 20% of all workers in this country have no benefit package at all and are by law exempt from enhanced overtime rate. they may be required to work more than 40 hours a week but recieve no wages at all, in which case the employer will deduct any costs from the employee pay on a week when they do earn money, some sales consultants employed by Macy's are paid like this. 8. the rate is set by the vehicle manufacturer to limit the cost of warrenty claims and to promote the service department business, the difference in what the company charge for an hour labour and what the technician gets paid has been steadily increasing, in 1960 it was approximatly a 60 - 40 split in favor of the company, now it is on adverage 80 - 20 split in favor of the company. if you have prooven skills then the employer doesn't really take a chance at all. 9. well, what can i say, when the rate is set so low, i guess the employee is loss sharing all the time and with no benefit package there is no profit sharing either. 10. commission bases employment is not a stable or reliable income, if the capital system were to operate correctly, what you say is true, where capitalists invested there money in the economy to make it grow but when its in an off shore bank it is not invested in the economy, i would add to your last line "and a stable, reliable" income for its employees. man this is fun. -
i am new to this forum, i read with interest the vicious way in which some people here treat other forum members. i don't believe there is any intentional bad blood between members but that it is more like a sport with words. having said that, members who are not engaged in building or owning a specialty vehicle, even if they are not engaged at this time but intend to, have no place here. i have been to several different counties in the world and lived in many parts of the U.S. in this time i have always found a form of comradery between people involved with the car hobby irispective of their political, religious and economic view of the world. the topics seldom interfear with that common interest. i am a degree qualified electro mechanical engineer, i have an associates degree in vehicle body repair and an A.S.E. certified master mechanic among other qualifications but i do not think this has any effect on the difference between what i know and what other car people know, we are all car people. however i do not like my nabours to know what i do for a living. having said the above there are some other things i should tell you about me, i am English, not British, not Austrailian and not from New Zealand, i am not a U.S. citizen, but before you jump to the conclusion that if i don't like it, i should go home, i am legally here which cost a considerable amount of money to achieve, i am liable for the same taxes as a U.S. citizen but am not allowed to vote. having lived here for some 24 years with some breaks, i have noticed the real standard of living for most Americans dwindle to a point that if it had been like this when i originally came, i would have gone back home straight away, only to return on a vacation. however my situation as of now is that i live in a rural area of Arizona which has not recovered from the great recession of 2008, my only net worth is in my now unsellable house and the prospects of gainful employment are zero. this, i blame on my own stupidity, for not understanding that most American businesses both large and small, only care about making money at any cost. take for instance multi national corporations, they proclame their Americaness at ever oppotunity except at tax time when they are an off shore corperation and not subject to U.S. taxes. small businesses are just as guilty, a business that employs just a small number of workers will deduct income tax from its employees wages before the worker even sees them and at tax time claims a deduction for buying a new vehicle and the gas it used in the year, the result being that the workers paid for that new vehicle and its running expenses not only by the fruits of their labour generating profits for the business but also with the taxes they thought were going to provide various government services they need. most large corporations openly give money to politians for one thinly disguised reason or another to bias their position to the corporations advantage, small businesses also do this by being members of the chamber of commerce, an organisation which accepts money from foregn governments and foregn controlled corperation and uses that in the lobbying system to further these foregn companies agendas which may be the demise of American small businesses. do you not think that a company like Walmart would give money to the chamber of commerse to promote the removal of the minmum wage, if so think again. almost 20% of american workers on a payrole who are subject to deductions directly from their wages have no privaledges like overtime pay or vacation time and are paid by commission only, they are not able to claim tax deduction for any expences like a self employed person is but may be required by their employer to invest considerable amount of money for equipment to get the job in the first place. most peoples interface with technology is in the vehicle they drive, this technology is generally beyond their comprehension and is usually their most expensive purchase other than the house they live in. however most vehicle technicians are paid "flat rate" a system where they get paid a rate for only the work they do correctly, this is o.k. if your work is repetative on the same or similar vehicles day in day out, if you work for an independant shop then this is not the case and to earn 40 hours pay for 40 hours work is in most cases impossible so they work in excess of 50 hours to get 40 hours money, there is no vacation pay and no enhanced overtime rate, the law specifically allows this, add to the situation that most vehicle technicians are self taught, be it "on the job" or at "college" at their own expense and on day one are expected to have a professional level tool kit which will cost around $20.000. you can see that because of the technical level required, the "college" option is now predominant i you want to get the job. to compound this problem, the hours to perform a particular task are not open to modification due to unexpected difficulties encountered performing the task but are established by the vehicle manufacturer and set in stone based on warrenty obligations and the cost of those. every time a new vehicle appears on the market the manufacturer sets times for all jobs and the technician must climb a steep learning curve if he or she wants to make any wages. i have said enough but while these inequities exist in the business world, there is no hope of a solution.
1. if the possum is playing possum then this might be a critical calculation but if the possum is in fact dead, then who cares, but they cook up real sweet 2. i think the chevelle because it's the newest and 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68 chevelles have already rusted away, but them tires sure hold the shingles down in a wind. 3. none, you just lay a pipe in the stream to condense the mash vapors, two fingers of red eye barkeep, 4. not enough so the trees never get cut down. 5. this depends on which country and western songs are played on the radio that particular day and if the pickup truck broke down that day. 6. only if the man has a 200 amp supply to the power pole and there's enough room with the coutch, the gym equipment and kids toys 7. very possible but the muffle was not a muffler, it was a bunch of catalitic converters that were cut off unsuspecting motorists cars at the new out of town mall parking lot to weigh in at the scrap yard. 8. less than 9 months but when he decided to hitch to dollywood there were no cars because they were all on the interstate. redneck tip, don't forget to rotate the tires on the house ever 3000 mile or once a year.
with regards to other projects, i am unemployed as i can't find a job that pays more than it costs to get there. however, this does allow a lot of time for "projects" to keep my hand in as it were. i am at present restoring a speed boat, i purchased this in England in 1993 in a non working condition, almost immediatly i moved to El Paso Texas shipping the boat loaded with my tools, then i moved to San Diego, California, but as i lived on a boat in the marina i put the boat in storage. about a year later, i moved back to England but left it in the storage facility for the next 7 years until i moved to Arizona. alas, within one year, i moved to Florida, taking the boat with me, not returning to Arizona for the next 4 years, but i still kept the boat and in 2013, 20 years after purchasing it i decided that i had better get cracking. what i did not mention is that on my return to Arizona, i built my own house, with my own hands. it is of unknown manufacture, 22ft. in length and powered by what looked like a Mercruiser 888, utilizing a ford 302 small block V8. over the years, as i have moved around i have picked up parts to rebuild the engine as a starting point, the specs on the motor are as follows. 302 block, bored to .060 oversized, 10.0-1 pistons, balanced rotating assembly, high volume oil pump, true roller timing chain and a Comp Cams high torque hydraulic cam utilizing the 351 firing order. ( .477 lift and 262 duration and110 lobe centers). as far as the top end is conserned, the heads are 351 windsor with an iron 4 bbl. intake and Holley marine carb, ignition is Ford Duraspark II, exhausts are center riser and exit through the transom. cooling is raw water via a through hull pickup and a johnson crank mounted pump. the stern drive is still the 888 but with no exhaust or water pickup, just the drive. this whole power package has been a work in progress for a year now and is just becomming reliable. i have started on the upholstery and as with my car, my friend Kieth is a great help. i have purchased paint for the top half of the hull which i needed to do so that the upholstery piping could be matched to the color. plans in the work are to replace the heads with a pair of Edlebrock Performer aluminum heads and a suitable intake, this will be done to reduce rear weight in the boat as much as increasing performance, i intend to fit a drive shower to cool the top gear set and a remote resovoir for the gear oil, these mods will hopefully extend the life of the drive which was built in the 70's. what i did not mention is that i am also building my own house.
Adam, it would be a pleasure to be of assitance in the future. maybe other contributors with local knowledge could chip in for other areas of the tour with regard to "hazzards" which are not apparent via google and such. this tour is looking to be an excellent trip.
Mr. Dragon, i appologies for the wrong name, Skip signed a post after yours. i was only trying to give some caution to your schedule as i have some local knowledge, personally i do not really need to go to the dam, i done that and my wife works at the skywalk so i don't need to do that either, as far as the south rim trip, i did what i think is the best way which is by steam train from Williams. i see you will be starting the trip at 8.00 am, and arriving at the dam 20 minutes later, this may seem easy to do, however, as you pass the Railroad pass hotel, you may hit a traffic jam as you enter Boulder city where the speed limit is 35mph, this will get better when you reach Albertsons supermarket, you will probably torn left here and go down the hill with an excellent view of lake Mead, however, at the bottom of the hill 35mph prevails past the Hasienda hotel, just after that you will exit the highway for the dam and may encounter a traffic jam as there is a security check point where vehicles may be searched before you can continue to the dam multi story car park from which you will need to walk to the dam. the best view of the dam is from the Tillman bridge which has a pedestrian walk way but is some distance from the dam and the parking garage. please also note that the Skywalk is located on the Haulapai indian reservation, you cannot drive around the reservation but can only park in the visitors center parking lot and buy a ticket for a tour which includes the Sky walk, also note that no cameras are allowed on the Skywalk and only pictures taken by the staff photographers are allowed which you have to pay for. as stated before i am willing to help in any way i can.
i have a lot of pictures of my car during the build, just don't want to hog the site. here's a few more
let me introduce myself, the name is John Hennessy, i built my car about 2 years ago with a build time of about 2 years and some breaks when finances were a bit challenged. not built from a kit, the only purchased parts were the seats, headlight bowls and the nose and grill combo. the chassis is a bit McSorley with my own mods and the Rorty independant rear again with mods. from the front, a speedway motors vintage sprint car nose, front suspension is my own design with inboard coilovers and no rubber bushes anywhere, it's all hiem joints folks. fabricated aluminum radiator, 2.3 duratec engine with a focus intake and throttle body connected to a ranger 5 speed with a fabricated remote shifter. instuments are the ranger units, interior was upholstered by myself with the help of my friend Kieth, as was the soft top. doors are aluminum with 1 X 1 steel box framesand ranger catches the whole rear body is steel as protection from impacts to safeguard the ford explorer fuel tank and house the spare wheel, the trunk lid is fibreglass as are the fenders fabricated by myself. the hood is all aluminum with hand made side vents, the scuttle is steel to stiffen the chassis. rear is all steel to protect the explorer gas tank and the trunk lid is fibreglass as are the fenders made by myself. rear suspension is fabricated with a sierra/cosworth 7" diff and drive shafts and fabricated uprights.
Skip, having looked at your schedule, i think you are being a bit optimistic about time and distance. from henderson to the dam is about 30-40 mimutes, the dam tour will take about 2 hours if you get there when the tour starts. the trip to dolan will take about 1 to 1 1/2 hours, it will be difficult to cater for a party of over 20 anywhere in dolan springs. as far as the skywalk, i would suggest that you continue to the skywalk directly from the dam as the additional distance is only about 40 miles but on a two lane road with a maximum speed limit of 55 but down as low as 25 in places. the skywalk tour is not just the skywalk, you must buy a tour from the haulapai tribe that includes the skywalk ( i will notify you of the cost as soon as i can) this tour will take about 3 -4 hours, there are many other activities at the reservation like helecopter rides into the canyon and horseback riding. there is no direct route from the skywalk to the south rim which is almost 200 miles away, as you must return through kingman to the I-40. a journey time of an hour and twenty minutes again, on a two lane road with a 55 speed limit and distance of 65 miles, watch out for cows and local cops as this is open range, the cows will let you crash into them and won't move, the cops use the road as a source of county revenue and are in abundance. if you are looking at a map, and thinking you can cut milage off by using buck and doe road from the skywalk, think again this is an unmade unkept road that is sedom used. between rosies cafe on the 93 north of dolan springs and kingman there is, or will be only one oppotunity for a gas station, that would be in meadview and is due to open this july but will require a 20 mile detour. i would strongly suggest an overnight stay in kingman and an early start for the south rim which is still almost 200 miles away. i have direct contacts with the skywalk and the hampton inn in kingman should you require them. i have no affiliations with either but know the right people as it were. animals, no animals allowed at the hoover dam, the skywalk has facilities for pets at a small fee, all pets must be on a leash in a national park at all times. do not even think of leaving animals in a car, this is arizona and it will die and you will go to jail. hope this helps, don't hessitate to contact me if you need more info.
i am a newbe to this site but would like to give you some info. the temps in the sw. are hot in june, on the other hand, you could get caught in a monsoon. you will need a roof of some kind on an open car and copiouse amounts of sun screen as there is not much shade anywhere, no normal trees in the desert, only joshua trees. i live in a town called meadview which is about 20 miles from the skywalk where my wife works in the visitors center gift shop. the lifetime gold pass is only available to u.s. citizens or permanent residents of the u.s. you do not need a national park pass to visit the skywalk which is on the haulapai (pronounced wallapie) indian reservation. at this time the nearest gas station to the skywalk is in dolan springs but a station will be opening in meadview this summer. i am seriously considering this trip in my home built car, see pic.