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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. I knew the smart ones would help me. All I had to do is ask. Thanks guys.
  2. My car is a 2010 and it has the badge showing 50 years? Why the difference in years?
  3. I've driven a few cars on different tracks such as Spec Miata, Formula Continental, and some lumbering Mustangs. The touch on all three of those cars are pretty predictable after a couple of laps. When I got into my Caterham it was a whole new learning curve. I almost took out a few guard rails on the way home on 215. At first I thought it was a bump steer, but then I realized it is as you say the small wheel and the rack. Without giving you too big of a head It was a pleasure to see those smooth hands.
  4. Very nice video and really smooth hands!
  5. These plates are so much fun. When we have a unique car it is nice to be able to use a unique plate! Vovchandr, When talking to a stranger about my car I often refer to it as a large Go Kart!
  6. I saw awhile back we had some posts about our unique license plates from our Seven members. Just got this today and thought I would see what you guys thought and maybe get some more.
  7. It was a wonderful day under the Elm, Cottonwoods and Pine trees at the Historic park in the center of Salt Lake. I didn't take an official count of how many cars were there but it had to be in the realm of 150 plus. We were parked next to a beautiful 2005 Morgan Aero 8. Breath taking car! But the best part of the day was meeting a new Seven friend who I will be able to drive Utah's Wasatch's canyons with. I purchased a GoPro Max this year and have already driven four of our closest Canyons. Millcreek, Emigration, Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons. As soon as i figure out how to use the damn GoPro and edit the film I will post them.
  8. This is exactly what i wanted to hear. Thanks all.
  9. I've just spent the last hour trying to find a link about wrapping my exhaust headers. I've been told it really works for heat reduction but it damages the pipes after use. Any help would be appreciated. These words from our friend William Shakespeare are appropriate. "To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them" Or pay for a new set of headers?
  10. Got a real nice Caterham cover from Josh at Colorado Caterham.
  11. Thank you.
  12. I just stored my car for the winter in my heated garage, but I still get dust from both outside elements and while I'm working in my shop. So I need a lite cover for my 2010 S3 R400.
  13. Damn sorry! It was an impromptu drive. I got some touch up paint for the small hits on the car and I got super antsy. Heading out to the track tomorrow to get some work done if you can get away.
  14. Salt Lake City has within a fifteen minute drive five major canyons you can drive. Emigration, Big and Little Cottonwoods. Then you have Parleys canyon which leads to Park City, and that opens up another vista of fun for the Seven owner. I hope I can get to the rest of them before winter sets in.
  15. Excellent appraisal Rider and I hope your drive and stay in our State was as good as the smile i can see on your face. I was very disappointed that I wasn't able to meet with you for that gorgeous drive. Next time you make the long trip back to Utah make sure you contact me so I can join you on another drive. Maybe with a new 7? I'm still stuck in bureaucratic quick sand with my emission problem with the Salt Lake County Health Department. All I have to say about that, at this time, is! Beware of the bureaucrat!
  16. Here you go there small but they work for me.
  17. Contact Tony. Thats his car in the picture, member name, tvacc. I bought my 7 from him and it came with some small side deflectors that were attached by the door pins. They really worked well for me and they look good.
  18. Thanks everyone, It's nice to know I'm not paranoid. Seems like all agree to take the pad key, the ignition key and the steering wheel. Good advice from all.
  19. Well it's been a couple of weeks since I got my new Caterham and it seems I've developed this paranoia about parking my car for lunch. Having spent some time at the race track where it's known that every driver has a not so amusing mean streak in them They would steal the pad key. It didn't help that Top Gear guys would make a joke about it and advertise to the whole world on how to remove said key. So I'm asking all of you what do you do? Take the key or leave it?
  20. I would like that but with all the other things on with the car I'm thinking it might be a few weeks. I'll get back with you soon.
  21. Guys, I'm not sure i'll be ready to drive soon, I'm having some trouble registering and emission issues. There not a big problem but time consuming. Utah has a law that any outside the state cars have to go through our health department emissions test. You have to call and make an appointment. I've done that for next week and i hope that goes smooth. then it's off to the hills! Tony was not wrong when he said it was a fast car. Scary fast to be exact and i've owned some fast cars. I ordered new avons from Roger Krouse and I should have them ready for next week also. Pic below is my garage partner and myself when we were racing at UMC or at that time Miller motorsports park.
  22. It arrived in my garage yesterday. Just like to thanks Tony for his help in making this possible.
  23. Coming to Salt Lake this June
  24. i'm on brt right now.
  25. I know its late but is it sold?
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