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Everything posted by cockerpunk

  1. new member, thought i'd introduce myself. names Gordon, 28, mechanical engineer, from the Twin Cities MN. most of my car experience has been autocrossing. current garage is: 86 944 turbo: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y161/gerglmuff/cars/128.jpg its an ongoing restoration/maintain/upgrade car. 02 mr2 spyder with 2zz swap: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y161/gerglmuff/cars/10668968_10152351670671080_1157304286130984556_o_zps0cdec2bd.jpg This car is my main autocross weapon. 2zz-ge engine, full suspension, etc etc. just a killer cone crosser. and my "winter" car, is an NA miata. bought it for $500 bucks, excellent power sliding wintermobile! bought it looking like this: MN is a great place to drive RWD sports cars: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y161/gerglmuff/cars/10922476_10203974066814551_6584069686294398705_n_zpszp4ifnqq.jpg before i get the question, my name, comes from a long story really. when you are 15, and messageboards are new, and you like punk music, and you are into paintball, you pick a name like cockerpunk. a paintball gun i love, is called an autococker. often just shorted to cocker. and punk should then be self explanatory. its stuck with me ever since haha. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y161/gerglmuff/Paintball/1188740042_img_6833.jpg
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