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  1. Thanks, yes goes quite well, definitely traction - not power limited! The centrifugal supercharger actually really suits the Rover V8, standard engine has lots of torque low down but runs out of puff above 4000rpm, which is when the centrifugal supercharger takes over! so it pulls like a train above 4000 rpm. Haven't red lined it yet as still tuning it but at 5K it is really moving and boost is still building. Tom.
  2. Thanks mate, had a look through your photos on 471... Mad is all I can say :cooldude: I've I built another I would go LS... route. Tom.
  3. I've fitted Federal 595 RS-R's on the back. They are working well, supposed to be similar to R888 (although I have never personally used R888's) but only half the price. Feel quite soft to the fingernail and give a lot of traction when the road's not too cold. When it's cold out and damp/greasy they aren't too great but then I don't think you'll find any tyre to work with a very light weight high power rear wheel drive car in the cold! All I can say is avoid tyres designed for regular sporty cars as the rubber is way too hard for very light cars (to get decent life when fitted to a car two to three times the weight!) Tom.
  4. Hi all, My project for the last 15 odd years! Started as a standard 3.5 Rover V8 then got carried away! and currently has a 4.6 cross bolted top hat linered Rover V8, Procharger C1 (rebuilt following failed bearings using Garratt GT4708 compressor wheel and proper 100,000rpm bearings rather than 20,000 bearings!) Megasquirt II with coil packs, Bosch 044 pump and 44lb injectors http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww91/robotombo/20140503_155552_zps064888f1.jpg http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww91/robotombo/2012-08-13195356.jpg http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww91/robotombo/2012-08-13195408.jpg Very old image before supercharger re-build http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww91/robotombo/SP_A0388.jpg Tom.
  5. Hello All from the UK, Recently came across your interesting forum and thought I would introduce myself. Names Tom, I have a Dax Rush V8 which I started building back in 2001!. Started out as a 3.5 V8 on standard Rover injection with dizzy, then added megasquirt, then added coil packs, then supercharged it; currently 4.6 supercharged & intercooled V8 and Tremec T5 gearbox. http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww91/robotombo/20140503_155552_zps064888f1.jpg Tom.
  6. Hello all, I thought I would introduce myself. Names Tom, live over in the UK and just stumbled across your interesting forum. I have owned my Dax Rush for over 10 years now and have constantly been 'tinkering' Currently has a 4.6 supercharged V8 with megasquirt fuel and spark http://i709.photobucket.com/albums/ww91/robotombo/20140503_155552_zps064888f1.jpg Tom.
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