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    Victoria, Canada, eh?
  1. Well, I agree, it's not porn. And believe me, I checked it out pretty closely to make sure! Hmmm...there might be one I missed...better go back and make sure. No, must get back to work...
  2. I've heard that there will be a tour of the "South West Sevens" this summer, originating out of San Francisco, and culminating in a trip over to Victoria, BC (Canada), my home town. I want to schedule my work, holidays, etc., so I can see them while they're here :cheers: . Anybody know about this tour, dates, itinerary, etc.? Thanks, Zetec7
  3. 53 now...I'll grow old, but I'll never grow up http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/coolgleamA.gif
  4. Okay, I'll join in. I seem to be in esteemed company here, what with mechanical engineers, physicians and the like, but I suppose with the current addiction we apparently share, I guess we're all brothers of a sort now... After getting a couple of degrees back in the '70's, I became a police officer for 27 years. I was well aware of the Sevens (also saw the one on The Prisoner, don't you know...), and my buddy and I started making vague plans to build a couple. Actually came to fruition back a couple of years ago, and we started cutting steel and making sparks about 1 1/2 years ago, almost immediately after visiting a dealer hereabouts and getting a ride in a new bike-engined Caterham, driven by an ex-CanAm race driver. Scared the pants off me and convinced me that I could not live out my life without having one of these 4-wheeled tornadoes. Wanted to do it all myself, though, rather than buy one, and wanted it to look as original as possible, while being contemporary in operation (thus, the Zetec engine). It's gonna be great! Check my website for a few pics of he progress so far....zetec72007-01-05 15:59:03
  5. Okay, new guy here (at least, to this forum...). I'm using a ZX3 Zetec with 45DCOE Webers, and a very simple ignition system from Quad4rods, along wiht one of their bellhousings for fitment to a T-5 trans. For the ignition, it doesn't get easier than this, IMHO. One cable to the pickup, a 12V positive, a ground, and a tach wire. That's it. Cheap, too! And replacement parts can be bought at Lordco, up here in Canada (PepBoys, etc. in the US of A).
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