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  • Biography
    just dorkin around
  • Location
    Tigard Oregon
  • Interests
    Family, Track day, Tattooing, Shooting & Building
  • Occupation
    Shop owner/Tattooer
  1. I'm down by Portland and would love to get together with some 7 enthusiasts. I like Alfonse idea as well about a track day. I am an instructor with hooked on driving and as we are done for the season but next season will be here before you know it. We do have track days up that way at the ridge (my favorite track). I might be able to talk to the boss and see what he could do for a group of us? Anyways I would love to go so keep me in the loop.
  2. I have those on my birkin as well, there should be a little bumper on the bottom part that will rest on the side of the cab. There is no locks or pins to speak of they just hang there. Mine don't flap around at all. there id a little nylon sleeve that goes over the pins though. I could take a picture later if you would like?
  3. Those look really good. Do you happen to know the weight?
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