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  • Biography
    A UK citizen, I moved to California in October 2017 following 2 1/2 years in Germany. I sold my Caterham in April 2015 when leaving the UK and have missed it ever since.
  • Location
    Boulder Creek, CA
  • Occupation
    Product Design Engineer
  • Se7en

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  1. Good call. Hello from the winning bidder. I’m originally from the UK and had a couple of Caterhams previously but sold my last one in 2015 when moving to Germany. I’ve been a longtime lurker here since moving to the US in 2017 keeping an eye out for a 7 to buy, but buying a house 3 years ago and having a 3rd kid delayed things a little. While this one isn’t my ideal spec or colour, I do like the Zetec engine and am happy to DIY the things that need doing so the fact it was only an hour down the road from me made this a good opportunity for me.
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