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  1. The guy had excellent rating so I didn't anticipate having these issues, yet he claimed a sudden electrical problem which possibly is true, but refused to acknowledge my offer to fix it and continue the sale, so I certainly suspect he sold it elsewhere. And yes, a negative rating was posted. But enough of my woes, not the best intro I'm afraid, so who knows of a Seven at a good price..?
  2. Hi My name is Charlie and I thought that I was going to be the latest 7 owner due to finally going in and bidding on a Birkin on eBay. Despite winning, and sending payment, the owner suddenly ‘found’ a problem with the car and instead of offering to repair it, he just said he would return the money. Then the money delivery also mysteriously went from ‘delivered’ to ‘addressee unknown’. Thankfully I do have my money back, but in short I am frustratingly still not a 7 owner. Hopefully this changes soon and I can legitimately join these ranks (but finding the right vehicle at the right price as you all know isn’t an easy task!). Until then...
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