1. I have worn Piloti's. Comfortable enough and can be worn outside the car. There was a time when you could design your own Puma driving shoe. Very thin, narrow and comfortable for driving. Not so much for walking. So I always keep an extra pair in the boot to change into.
2. I have a Zetec and the sump hunts low. I can't speak for Duratecs. Slow and at an angle over speed bumps always.
3. I don't drive at night. It's hard enough being seen in the daytime. I always drive like I'm a motorcycle and no one can see me. My head is constantly watching mirrors, side traffic.
4. I turn it off. Take the key and don't worry about. Very few know how to drive manual shift anymore.
5. Since I don't drive much at night, I can't help you but I've heard conversion to LED headlights are an improvement.
6. Other good advise has been given.
7. Wash and wax as usual.
8. Steering is very quick. Don't overreact. Stop's better than anything I have ever driven. Quicker than anything I have ever driven.