thanks to everyone for their thoughts and advice. A special “thank you” to Josh in Denver who ran through the project in great detail. The car has arrived from Massachusetts to St. George Utah. As laid out by the seller, the clutch does need to be replaced. Before seeing it, I was inclined to just replace the clutch and run the car as. is. After seeing it with hoses running everywhere , a turbo and 2 radiators, I find the complexity of the car to be overwhelming. It has a turbo, 2 radiators (front and back), a dry sump lubrication system and more hoses running in more directions than is imaginable.
on the plus side, the engine and trans are sound and the car functions as it should. The body with the unpainted aluminum is stunning. I’m researching ceramic coatings and other products which will allow me to spend more time in the car and less time working with a polisher in my hands. The seats are comfortable and at 6 feet one inch and 185 pounds, I fit in it -barely.
Im returning the car to its original by stripping out the turbo and related plumbing. I have a 2008 BMW M roadster that has an ESS supercharger and is very simple compared to the turbo. As Colin Chapman said, simplify and add lightness. I’m going to escape this complex build.
I’ll provide more info as the project develops.