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Everything posted by 1972Series4

  1. Sorry I didn't get back sooner but I've been busy painting the car, then spent all day Wednesday cleaning up the mess (see picks) and Thursday mowing the yard, 1 acre plus. I finally got out this afternoon and sanded the paint off frame rails on both sides of the car thinking maybe there was an ID that was covered by paint. Nothing. It was on the upper rail, right?
  2. I hope to do two things with this post; help myself out and add to the database of cars. I acquired a 1972 (?) Series 4 Twin Cam from the estate of a long time friend who passed away in December 2022. The car was I VERY dilapidated condition when I started working on it as the previous owner took it ALL apart and proceeded to modify it and never finished his dream of building the ultimate D-Mod autocross car. The engine and trans were gone and the ID plate was in an envelope which my wife found in a last ditch effort to find SOME documentation. We found no title or registration but I can take care of that with a "bonded" title in Arizona. The plate number is S4 3516 TC. The plate numerology is self explanatory but I have NO IDEA who built it (Lotus or Caterham) or what year it is. Any help as to an alternate from number or other info would be much appreciated. Bruce
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