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    Race car fabricator
  1. You keep doing this to me Al ... posting pictures of your car and making me hate that RIV (Registry of Imported Vehicles) makes it almost impossible for me to give your car a new home here. :cry: Someone please buy Al's car and put me out of my misery.
  2. Thanks guys, this is exactly the sort of info I am after. I have driven a 60's ish 7 (a tiny bit) and a wide body scratch built (lots). The genuine Lotus was a bit tight with two people with broad shoulders but the scratch built has a fairly wide, tappered, transmission tunnel and therefore has little more hip room and no more foot box room. If I could bring a car into Canada from the USA .... well, I would buy Al N's car .... but as it is not "legal" to bring a kitcar (assembled or in pieces) in that is less that 15 years old ... and I really would prefer a newer, injected car ...well that sort of adds up to ordering a car from super7cars.com. This is not a bad thing except we are a bit limited on choices here.
  3. I am sure that this question has been asked of the Caterham owners, somewhere, before. If so I am sure that someone will point me to the correct thread. How many Caterham owners opt'ed for the SV .... or not .... any regrets either way? Discuss... Chris
  4. I realize that I am answering an old question ... Two reasons I expect: 1) cost 2) the fiddly little corner at the back of the sill where it curves up is hand formed and welded (or used to be) in place on the car. 2024 does not respond well to being welded.
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