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    Phoenix, az

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  1. I think I'm the guy that bought your DSK seven. We're talking about Clive's car, correct ? I don't drive it a lot, but whenever I do I get real happy. Its been very good to me; minimal problems with it. I did ultimately change the nose for a Catherham nose, simply to get more air to the radiator. It does live in Arizona after all. It fulfilled a childhood dream for me and I don't expect I'll ever let it go. Hopefully you'll find another.
  2. I have a DSK seven. I can't speak for all DSK cars, but mine and the one other I've seen have a nose thats slightly different that most. It droops a good bit toward the front, and the opening is relatively small. My openning is about 6 inches tall and 16 inches wide. My car has a slightly hotrodded RX7 motor. RX7s run hot and I live in Phoenix, so I need all the help I can get. I'm hoping that a nose with a larger opening will help. It does run reasonably cool with the nose removed. My challenge is that I have no idea what nose will fit my car. I've taken some measurements, but other than RMSCI, I don't know who might be able to provide a nose. I've sent my measurements off to RMSCI, but haven't yet heard back from them. So, here's what I'm looking for: 1) Can anybody tell me of other sources for a nose that I should explore ? 2) Might there be somebody in Phoenix with a Caterham car who would allow me to check if their nose would fit on my car ? 3) Does anybody have a spare nose, and are they willing to check it against my measurements to be confident it would mount to my car ? Thanks folks. I'm very glad you're here.
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