Ok, reviving this thread a bit. Thank you for all the help so far. In an effort to nail this down so I don't accidentally put the wrong oil in and ruin this diff I got some more info.
I took the suggestion above and purchased a camera probe with light. Got the attached pics of the external diff housing and some of the inside. This inside pics are terrible so not sure anything can be made of them. Outside appears to be Ford Sierra diff as mentioned.
Also, if this helps, when jacked up and rotating one rear wheel, the other wheel also turns in the same direction.
Diff oil appeared nice and amber and clean, but I assume that is because the car hasn't been driven in about 2-3weeks. Diff drain/fill plug was a 10mm Allen and it was magnetic. There was a few black metal filings attached on the inside magnet that I cleaned off.
I might try and get a few more pics of the inside and push the camera deep into the oil, but I thought this might be enough for a firm opinion on diff type.