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Straight four

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    wooster, oh
  1. I moved on for a while staring at other cars. Just had a serious talk with the wife to be (in four years, thatd make 9 years of dating... o.O). Nothing else really makes me excited happy enough to spend 25k and pay for the next 7 years. So im back to hunting 7's. Well building one. I might just look you up in Beach city this weekend. (ill pm you when i make up my mind.) Im pretty sure i wont fit in it. But it will give am idea if im just loco in thinking i can make one thatll be lightweight and fit me. (im 6foot + and wear size 15 shoes.) I looked today and cleveland pick a part has complete rear and front susp from GTO's for around 1k (thats including dif.) All id need is driveshaft and eng+tranny and a whole bunch of other parts. TNTtim i got your pm and am seriously thinking about it. I need to work out if im being insane though. (i dont even know how to weld.)
  2. anyone running around in a bigger show size? still doing my research. (this is also whyim considering buildng my own 7).
  3. Wish i had known when i was in D-town for business last week. (near NovI). Southwind, Mind if i looksee sunday sometime? I am going to be in Akron for an Autox held by the PCA at Hartland Market. (They only start at noon.)
  4. I live in Wooster and currently am planning on building a seven. However, I need an idea on the size of teh car since i am a sizable fellow. (6ft 2in size 15's). Anyone in teh area mind if i come by to look at the car or meet up somewhere? Esp interested if powered by v8ness or if the frame is a 442 (to see if taht is big enough.) would perhaps pay by way of beer...
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