It was probably sort of rude for me to jump into this intro thread asking for help without introducing myself, so sorry about that, and thanks to Rob for the quick info on my front brake question.
I have been into sports cars since I read "The Red Car" probably in 6th or 7th grade. Some of you might be old enough to remember that classic from the traveling book-mobile with a story about a wrecked MG-TC at "Frenchy's garage" and the kid who bought it and fixed it up. While my first car in college was actually a VW beetle, as soon as I got a job I bought a Triumph Spitfire and drove the wheels off it autocrossing almost every weekend. Since that first sports car, I have owned another Spitfire, two Datsun Roadsters, Fiat Spyder, Alfa Romeo Spyder, BMW Z-3 and now the Rotus as of a couple weeks ago. I live in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and attend most SCCA events at Summit Point, WV just a short drive north. I have been into motorcycles for the past 15 years or so and have not had much luck getting my wife on the back seat of anything 2 wheeled, so the Rotus seemed like a good compromise.
I am a Marine Engineer and have pretty good mechanical skills, so I should be able to tackle most maintenance and repair tasks on the Rotus myself.
I am looking forward to meeting some of you 7 owners on the East Coast in due time. No exciting stories about how I came upon my car. It was sitting in a Foreign Car Repair shop about a block from where I work in downtown Harrisonburg, Virginia and the owner who runs the shop was downsizing his small collection so I snapped it up, stuck it in my garage and begged my wife for forgiveness. It's always easier to get forgiveness than permission:smilielol5: