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Rotus Upgrade - Part 3

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The aim for part 2 was to get some serious suspension upgrades done on the car before coming to the dragon. For most part, that was a success.


The car made it, and despite Rob trying to convince me otherwise, nothing fell off the car. It handled the dragon pretty well, and at least ran half decent at the autox.


I had really fallen behind on the schedule, so I didn't get a chance to test it at all before the trip, other than the cruise with the porsche club. As a result, I didn't properly set up the alignment, nor the shocks, and both were evident at the autox.


So, I'm starting the laundry list before the next big meet.


1- Roll cage - this will be done in Sept/Oct time frame

2- Improved pedal assembly - move it back for more room, and make it better.

3- Replace the rack

4- Relocate battery to the back

5- Fabricate fuel tank that sits in front of rear axle

6- Driveshaft hoops

7- Get some paint on the fiberglass parts.


As with the previous thread, i'll keep posting my progress here.




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Arya and I just had a 2 hour planning session on the next round of modifications on the car, which will start this September, after the blat to Snowshoe.


Our current thoughts will involve some major modification of the chassis to incorporate a roll cage, modify the center tunnel for more axle clearance, and as a part of all of that, completely change the dash location and design (it will look something like the curvy CSR dash).


The new design will connect the top tunnel tubes to the lower portion of the front hoop of the roll cage, which should be a stiffer design - that's impossible to know without modeling or testing; and I'm too lazy to do either :)


On the plus side, the steering, pedals, and dash will all move back, making for a roomier cabin :thumbs:



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