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The Kansas City Se7ens group in going to have a cookout and potluck get together May 27, 2017 at my house in Shawnee, Ks. Anyone interested in attending please PM me. Right now we should have 5 or 6 cars. Rain date will be May 28. More details as we get closer to the date. Russ

  • 1 month later...

OK, it is time to set a time for this event. How about 3:30pm to???? on Saturday May 27 (rain date May 28 same time) at my house, 7018 Bell Rd Shawnee, Ks. I will furnish burgers, hot dogs, buns, and condiments. What are you bringing? Let me know so we don't have 15 bags of chips. BYOB. Kids are welcome (I have a great playground to keep them busy). If you have a running Se7en bring it or bring anything. RSVP before May 24th. On Saturday morning you can go to the Parking for Paws Benefit car event in Topeka https://www.eventbrite.com/e/parking-for-paws-car-and-bike-show-tickets-32504713473

  • 4 weeks later...

Well the weather gods for Saturday are not playing nice. So the Se7ens event is moved to Sunday at 3:30


Pic's from our se7ens dinner. Great turnout One more locost showed up right after we took this._IGP8910.jpg

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