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GYLO 13 - Sunday, May 7, 2017 9:00AM - 11:00AM Great Falls, VA


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GYLO - Get Your Lotus Out! Sunday, May 7th, 9:00am - 11:00am at the Katie's lower parking lot in Great Falls, VA**. We have held this twice-yearly event since 2011, and have had over 30 Lotus show up to one of these get-togethers. It's quite a sight, and a great event to meet other Lotus people. (Last year, one couple drove in from Michigan for GYLO!)



Not a concours, but more of a single-marque cars & coffee, this is a good opportunity to see a lot of Lotus, and talk with others who share your passion. We will have a popular-vote 'favorite Lotus' contest with prizes. We will announce an optional after-GYLO drive to lunch destination soon.



Please respond to this post if you plan on attending GYLO.



** Katie's is in Great Falls Village, at 760 Walker Rd, Great Falls, VA 22066. Enter Great Falls Village from 193 (Georgetown Pike) via the entrance between the US Post Office and the BB & T Bank. The fire department, across the street, faces this entry road. Great Falls Village is a circle. Drive around, and you will surely see us!



--Bob Collum








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We are holding our Spring 2017 GYLO at the lower parking lot of Katie's Coffee House, 760 Walker Road, in Great Falls, VA.

Come see a lot of beautiful Lotus cars, and meet interesting people like you!



Afterwards. there will be a group lunch at Dogfish Ale House at Greenbriar Shopping Center, in Chantilly.

Please RSVP to Mark Franke if you'd like to go to lunch - mfranke@cox.net



GYLO details at -



GYLO 13 - Sunday, 5/7/17, 9 - 11AM | NoVA Lotus Club



NoVA Lotus






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A great day in Great Falls. GYLO details:








The GYLO 13 car count: 20 Lotus.

The 'favorite Lotus contest' winners:



1st - Kevin McGovern's pristine Elite.

2nd - Gavin Slade's amazing Seven. (Yep, he's new to the area!)

3rd - Ivan Katz's very original Europa.



--Bob Collum






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