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NEW Golden Gate Lotus Club (GGLC) Seven T-Shirt! GGLC GEAR for the Lotus Lover!!!



The GGLC is super excited to offer our members and Lotus enthusiasts the September 2018 design for GGLC Gear!


This latest design is entitled "7 Heaven" and features the Lotus Seven!.


Order today! The "7 Heaven" will be on sale until the end of October.


Each order is handled as a custom order so it may add a day or two to the shipping. Berm Designs is handles all the orders and financial transactions. A portion of the price is shared with the GGLC. And, FREE shipping for orders to a U.S. mailing address.


Order today! Just go to the GGLC (http://www.gglotus.org) or Berm Designs - bermdesigns.comwebsites.




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