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Kevin McGovern Party - 09/08/18, 2:00PM Ellicott City, Maryland

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For some reason, I missed posting this earlier. This is their 22nd year. Kevin is a Seven owner (plus quite a few Lotus), and we always have a good turnout of Sevens. If you can, please come on out!


====Kevin McGovern has a picnic every year, for all kinds of car people. We are invited. This is a great event, with lots of fun people, an amazing group of cars, and good food.

R.S.V.P.: kevinmcgov@aol.com

22nd Annual Lotus Summer Party


Place: Kevin and Denise McGovern’s


Date: Saturday, Sept. 8th


Rain date: Sunday Sept. 9th


Time: 2:00pm- 7:00pm


Come and enjoy a swimming pool, tennis court, and friends. There will be plenty to eat and drink. Bring your family and a Lotus (or other interesting vehicle) if possible. There will be plenty of room to

park on the lawn.


Directions below. (Google directions are inaccurate!)


Direction to the McGovern’s: 11356 Homewood Rd. Ellicott City, Md.


Take Route 95 to either Route 100 or Route 32


From Rt. 100 : Follow 100 west to 29 south to 108 west. Stay on 108 west. At 4th traffic light ( Homewood Rd) turn right


*Stay on Homewood Rd for 7/10th of a mile then turn right into our driveway. It is a large opening with stone pillars and a gate. If you go over a bridge you have gone too far. Follow the driveway back and go through a set of white brick pillars. Continue until you get to the house


From Rt. 32 : Follow Rt 32 west to Cedar Lane/ Sanner Rd exit. ( the first exit after Rt 29) Make a right at the end of the exit. Take Cedar Lane to the end. Make a left onto Harpers Farm Rd. At the third light Harpers Farm Rd becomes Homewood Rd. stay straight. Follow the direction from *


For those using Google Directions: If you are instructed to turn on Castlebridge Rd do not turn. Instead go to the next right turn which is my driveway and turn into driveway and follow it to the house at

the end of the drive


Another great party at Kevin & Denise McGovern's place. Rain caused the turnout to be much less than usual, but the quality of cars & people was as good as ever. I met Carle Conway today, for the first time. There were three Sevens there today - Kevin's (of course), Norm Beaver's, and Carle's.


I was fascinated by the white Europa, since it was almost identical to the Europa I owned for 21 years.


--Bob Collum





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