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PNW 2007 Tour Day 8


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Some great roads on the way to Whistler today:




some were kinda bumpy though:




made reading the signs hard:



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I drove with the gang from Kelowna to Cache Creek (about 2 hours drive), had lunch, and then drove home. This was the longest trip in one go with the car. Next weekend I'm off to Pitt Meadows (near Vancouver) for the Canadian Autocross Championship.


I need side curtains. (video)




We enjoyed your company today! And thanks again for hosting all of us at your house yesterday. Good luck at the autocross :hurray:











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Here is a point of view from Sindy Davis, Dion's wife and copilot:


The 3 hr Road to Whistler was incredibly exhilarating! Following the

river very closely, the road wound around the mountains crossing the

river at several points.


There were some bumps that caused us to bottom out a few times - minor

spine compression, I'm sure. The traffic was spreadout enabling passing

at nearly the same travelling speed - so it seemed.


We (squarefour) passed the others in the group while they were taking

advantage of photo opportunities. Lame. They caught on pretty quickly

and Tom Jones kept up with us while driving with a huge maniacal smile

on his face. We went faster due to fright. He lost second behind a pig

of an RV to John Haskey who was able to pass with us - excellent



With the road all curvy and our 7's in tight formation it looked like a

race in Burnout (video game). We passed mountain spires, glaciers of

blue ice, rain cells, and several climate zones.


And then, if you can believe it, we arrived at the hotel (with in room

jacuzzis), and the Lexus appeared in minutes with Stan Sadorf!!



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