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Data logging


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I'm having a problem with the 3 major data loggers that I have on the seven. The only screen that I find useful while driving is the display in the steering wheel. That is because the wideband is too small, and the engine managment doesn't have a display. You know that I lust over the display that your using. I do think that it's a little ostentatious at night, but it sure does communicate information. Is there a way to use 2 com ports and use it as a display for an older Vaio that needs a new screen. You said that you could find 1 on Ebay for a dead president. What model is it?

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Litton MobilVu

Here is one:



I thought I bought mine for just over $100 though.


The only complaints I have are: the touchscreen kinda sucks. You're better off with some type of mouse, trackball or something else.


It is also heavy at 7 lbs, but also very rugged.


There may be other solutions with a few more $$$


I think some of the GPS / DVD in-dash displays, such as AVIC from Pioneer accept analog video input, and are bright. one solution would be to convert VGA to analog and feed it in. You'd lose some quality, but for what you need, it won't matter.


The other thing about MobileVu, resolution is at 480X600. Make sure your computer can go that low before you buy.


Hope this helps.



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Both data loggers that I need to get information from need to to be monitered by running a windows based program. The laptop would just be a small cpu to run those programs. You can data log for longer periods of time when they are connected to a cpu with more memory. The display would just give me the ability to see the information in bright daylight. After I become comfromtable with the car I would not need to leave the equipment in the seven. I need to check on the resolution. Do you think that a buck seventy five is fair? Thanks!


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