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Forum Migration - Make sure your email is correct.


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All, I will try to migrate the forum this weekend to vBulletin.


Here is what will get messed up:

1- your passwords. Once migration is done, you will need to go to a page, put your registered email in, and get your password. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS BE CURRENT SO YOU CAN RECOVER YOUR PASSWORD


2- your avatar. That will not migrate either. I will leave the old forum up for a while in read-only mode, so if you don't have the original pic of your avatar, you can save it and upload it to the new forum.


3- some pictures will invariably get messed up. This should impact a very small percentage of pics.


4- The dark theme will go away for a while. I know some of you like it and some hate it. The new forum will have optional skins you can pick from as well, just not on day 1.


There is a lot of new and improved features and functions in the new setup. More on that once we get to the other side.

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