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Laguna Seca - NASA - January 7th


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We have a couple of folks signed up for the HPDE event at Laguna Seca on Sunday January 7th. I've never driven on this track, but it has a great reputation and I'm excited to be going there to try it out.




I'd love to have some more of our local se7ens commuity show up for this. I suspect it may be a bit chilly, but we have had quite a bit of good weather lately so maybe we will get lucky! If not and it is cold, no big deal...if it is wet, well that makes for a good chance to work on driving smoothly...or perhaps just having some fun hooning around! http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/eek6.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/biggrin5.gifhttp://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/thumbsup.gif




Ideally we would get a group of us and could coordinate a group dinner/barbeque or something.




Here is the sign up page: >SIGNUP




SO, Who is up for it?!? Let us know what you are thinking! ...

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