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1904 & 1906 Vanderbilt Cup Race Videos

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If you think crowd control is a problem at contemporary rallys, check this out.


As shown below, the meaning of the flags used during the 1904 to 1906 Vanderbilt Cup Races changed every year. NASCAR is worried about potholes on their tracks...Vanderbilt was concerned about trains and runaway horses!


-1904 Vanderbilt Cup Race Instructions to Special Officers at Highway Crossings:


"In case a runaway horse gets on the course, use your red flag to warn the racers."


"Waving your white flag, or keeping it in view, serves to remind them the course is clear."


-1905 Vanderbilt Cup Race Instructions to Contestants:


"Bear in mind that the RED FLAG means "Everything All Right."


"Bear in mind that the YELLOW FLAG means "Danger," and therefore use extreme caution."


"Obey promptly the YELLOW FLAG signal, which will be given at the "Start and Finish" line at the conclusion of the race."


"Evey turn and crossroad will be guarded by flagmen, whose "ALL-RIGHT" signal will be a RED FLAG, and whose "DANGER" warning will be a YELLOW FLAG."


"Contestants are particularly warned to give prompt heed to the YELLOW FLAG at the two railroad crossings, and be prepared to come to a full stop.


"Again, keep in mind that the RED FLAG means "ALL RIGHT," and the YELLOW FLAG means "DANGER".


-1906 Vanderbilt Cup Race Instructions to Special Officers and Flagmen:


"In case a runaway horse gets on the course, use your YELLOW FLAG to warn the contestants."


"Waving your RED FLAG, or keeping it in view, serves to remind the contestants that the course is clear."


"Bear in mind that the RED FLAG is a warning to spectators that a car is coming, and is a sign to contestants that the course is clear."


"Bear in mind that the YELOW FLAG is a warning to the contestants that there is danger ahead, and to use extreme caution or stop."


The use of the white flags (and two horses!) during the 1904 race can be seen at the 35 second mark of this remarkable film:



The use of the checkered flag seen at the end of the 1906 race was not mentioned in any of the official instructions and did not even get a mention in articles describing the race. Unfortunately, it was not seen in the film of the 1906 race:


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