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Brunton Stalker Hood Latches

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Wow, you chaps have been outstanding in answering my questions about the Brunton Stalker's possible (but apparently non-existent) footwell heat. Now I have a question about latching the hood. I've been looking at all sorts of draw latches in the Stalker photo gallery, and I see that my options are pretty diverse.


However, I'm wondering if the bottom portion of the latches need to be mounted directly the frame, or if the aluminum side panels are thick and robust enough to handle such stress? What's the best mounting option?

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My vote is for a Duze's fastener at each corner or a screw knob into a rivnut mounted into a bracket to keep the hood / bonnet on the car.

Here is a link to a post (#17) with a photo of what I used for my car even though it is not a Stalker. The black knobs are what holds the hood / bonnet to my car and has worked well for the past five years without coming loose.


Hope this gives you some other ideas.

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