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suspension tool


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Hi Mazda,


I tried half a half-dozen times to send this in a PM but it denied me. So I decided to do it this way. Its scanned from a book, if there is a copyright problem then delete it after you look at it. It is a usefull tool to help set up a suspension and I've heard many people use it. If you want to re-sketch and put the bump movements in a sticky in tech may be it would be usefull to other seven owners. Also an angle gage can be put on to show any change in camber, and if the front is square caster as well.












I have to say my car is handling so well I haven't made this tool yet, but I going to build it.

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I heard Al is trying to get a set of scales for the rally to balance the cars. If I built this tool and addded the camber angle gage, would it be worth it to bring down when I come? If no one wants to use it I won't bother. Just a thought.

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