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Vintage Motoring Forum Labor Day Fun Run


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Well today I took the 7 out for a nice drive with a bunch of like minded friends and came across an old friend of mine and his car which Al will know...Orange is looking good and is supporting a windshield less look now and is being driven and enjoyed by the present owner "Morgan" and is in good hands.

Orange 2011-09-05_09-49-38_851.jpg


Orange's friend (fast company).

Ariel Atom 2011-09-05_09-50-00_458.jpg


The group at the start woundering if the sky was going to clear up.

The Start 2011-09-05_09-11-45_616.jpg


Top of Mulholland Drive were we spotted Orange and fast friend.

Top of Mulhuland 2011-09-05_10-02-55_788.jpg


By the end of the day the sun had come out and it was another great day in Southern California as usual.

Hope eveyone had a good day.:driving:

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The MGB that had the cameras mounted on it is really sweet as it is supercharged and has a number of other mods that make it fairly fast and the owner can sure drive it well.

I was following him for a lot of these two clips that he posted up on You-Tube and I can say he stayed in his lane even in the tightest turns. Listen and you can hear the tires on the MGB talking in the viedo.



Here is what it looks like from the front camera that was mounted on the MGB.


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